
Wolfanddotcom is a networked ambient videogame,
set in a near post-human abstract audio-visual environment
synthesized from byte patterns of files and computer processes.

You play with a pack of bio-electronic wolves
locally controlled by joystick-wolf-sculptures or wi-fi.

You are trying to rebuild a cybernetic network by
activating (rx/tx) each network node in the landscape.

By completing the network, you advance to other regions,
unknown memory addresses gifted with more complex networks
and labyrinthine, visual, mesmerizing disorienting spaces,
overflowing with signals everywhere.

10 minutes of Wolfanddotcom's demo mode / self playing through network 3 until 4.


Wolfanddotcom Wi-Fi Interface

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Wolfanddotcom Wi-Fi Interface

	connect to WOLFANDDOTCOM wifi access point.
	point your browser to

	Send motion vectors to the players.
	Envia vectores de movimento aos jogadores.

Wolfanddotcom Wolf-Joystick

The Wolf-Joystick is made of articulated tetrahedron ears.
O Joystick-Lobo é feito de orelhas tetraedro articuladas.

Each ear of the wolves has 3 buttons.
Cada orelha dos lobos tem 3 botões.

The actions you can perform are:
As acções que podes realizar são:

	FWD (Forward/Avançar),
	LFT (Left/Esquerda),
	RHT (Right/Direita),
	BRK (Brake/Travar),
	JMP (Jump/Saltar),
	CHG (Change Wolf/Mudar de Lobo),
	TX (Communicate/Comunicar).

To perform the action move each ear to its position:
Para realizar a acção move a orelha para a posição:

	FWD - left ear up / orelha esquerda cima
	LFT - left ear left / orelha esquerda esquerda
	RHT - left ear right / orelha esquerda direita
	BRK - left ear left and right / orelha esquerda direita e esquerda
	JMP - right ear up / orelha direita cima
	CHG - right ear left / orelha direita esquerda
	TX  - right ear right / orelha direita direita

ZERO - do nothing

FWD - left ear up

LFT - left ear left

RHT - left ear right

BRK - left ear left and right

JMP - right ear up

CHG - right ear left

TX  - right ear right



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